Among the contents discussed aboutDefinition of the Last DaysIn Islam, the notion of the Last Day is...
Among the contents discussed aboutDefinition of the Last DaysIn Islam, the notion of the Last Day is the Day of Judgment which is preceded by the annihilation of this universe. So on this day all living things will be destroyed. The earth will also change, not the present earth or sky (Sayyid Sabiq). Believing in the last day is the fifth of the six pillars of faith in our religious creed, Islam. Next Allah swt. created another realm which he called the Hereafter Realm. It is there that creatures will be resurrected, that is, revived after they die, their spirits will be returned to their bodies and thus they will experience a second life. After being resurrected (dibaats) then every soul will be accounted for (performed) for all the good and bad deeds, then whoever whose good outweighs the bad, of course Allah Taala will be included in heaven, while whoever has more bad than good deeds, they will be put in hell. Book Happy world and happy hereafter The conditions on the Day of Judgment will be full of terrible dangers and tribulations, except for those who believe. We must have faith in this very dangerous situation (on the Day of Resurrection), meaning that we believe that such a situation will occur, then we are aware that our hearts will be moved to do faith, worship and good deeds. Faith and good deeds are the main causes for saving people from the terrible dangers on the Day of Judgment and from the torments of hell. However, most people do not understand or do not want to understand and do not believe, there are also those who completely deny it. Or there are also half-hearted beliefs, as evidenced by the existence of their actions that lead to acts according to their desires, even daring to violate the prohibitions and leave what is obligatory, do not want to prepare for their provisions in the hereafter and the provision for traveling is very long way to travel thousands of years, which will end in a place that is profitable and joyful is heaven and may arrive in a dangerous place that is Hell Hell. As for the reasons why humans lack or do not believe in the existence of the Day of Judgment, because in this world there are no examples similar to the conditions in the hereafter. If in this world there is no real evidence, namely the birth of babies or cubs from the stomachs of their mothers or landlords, then it is said that there is an Almighty Essence who creates such conditions, humans will surely lie more about the power of the Day of Judgment. Allah says in the letter Al-Qiyämah (75) verses 36 - 40 which reads: Meaning: "Does man think he will be left alone (without accountability)? Wasnt he originally just a drop of semen that was shed (into the womb), then (the semen) became something that was attached, then Allah created it and perfected it, then He made it from him a pair of male and female. Isnt (God who did) so powerful (also) to revive the dead?" Believing in the last day is one of the pillars or joints of the pillars of faith, the root and is an essential part of aqidah, even as the most important element besides belief in Allah Taala. That is why believing in Allah Taala will be able to determine the first source from which everything that exists in this universe arose, while believing in the Day of Judgment will be able to determine how the final event will be for all creatures that have ever existed. The Quran pays very special attention to the determination of faith on the last day.